2 castles in Monferrato worth a visit (+1 in the Roero!)

Piedmont is rich in castles, but where to start? We present here two castles in Monferrato and one in Roero!

Castles, enchanted and austere places of charm and mystery, in which to stroll to breathe in History at the top of your lungs. Piedmont is a region rich in castles: traditionally, in fact, these buildings served as dwellings for nobles and for protection reasons were built on hilltops so that lookouts could spot enemies from afar.

Today, those days of knights and courtesans are over, and tthe high towers of the castles are wonderful vantage points from which to admire the colours of the hills and the small villages of Piedmont.

We have updated this article with other castles in Monferrato and Langa that are worth visiting. For the last one, you'll have to go a bit far, but it's worth it: prepare for a trip to the Roero.

Balbi Castle of Piovera

Piovera Castle stands on the remains of a monastery that belonged to the Templars and over the centuries has passed several times from hand to hand, without ever losing its beauty. From the Visconti to the Sforza, passing through the Spanish royals, it then returned to the hands of the Savoys; from here it passed to the marquises Balbi, whose name remained linked to the castle, and finally to Count Niccolò Calvi, the current owner. Today, it is possible to visit the castle by choosing from three different routes, all by reservation.

Per info e giornate di apertura: https://www.castelliaperti.it/it/strutture/lista/item/castello-di-piovera.html


Castelnuovo Calcea Castle Area

Unfortunately, all that remains of the Castle of Castelnuovo Calcea today are the ramparts and the watchtower: in fact, this area was over the years the site of bloody clashes between families of the most varied nobility, which very often destroyed entire portions of the castle. Today the whole area around the Castle has been turned into a public park: you can walk freely in the area and see the fascinating remnants of this turbulent past.

Guided tours are available on specific days. Trovi le date qui: https://www.castelliaperti.it/it/strutture/lista/item/area-del-castello-di-castelnuovo-calcea.html

Monastero Bormida Castle

Here we are not talking about nobility but clergy: the Castle of Monastero was originally a monastery. During the 15th century, a first defensive structure by the Marquises del Carretto; gradually, the entire small village of Monastero Bormida developed around the castle. Today this village can be reached by passing over the striking medieval bridge; what awaits you is a walk through History. The castle has elements of the 1500s and 1600s, with frescoed rooms and splendid walkways. A curiosity: Monastero Bormida is the birthplace of Augusto Monti, who in Turin was the professor and teacher of many intellectuals of the time, such as Cesare Pavese, Leone Ginzburg, and Tullio Pinelli.

For infos and openings: http://www.comune.monasterobormida.at.it oppure https://www.castelliaperti.it/it/strutture/lista/item/castello-di-monastero-bormida.html.

Thanks to Michele Monti @mic_omt for the photo;

Castle of Costigliole d'Asti

Costigliole d’Asti Castle stands atop the fortress, in the historic center of the village; a village with a long past, if we consider that the first inscriptions bearing its name date back to 1041! The history of the Castle is intimately linked with that of Monferrato; the first lords of Costigliole, the Lancias, descended directly from Aleramo, a knight at the court of Saxony and the legendary founder of Monferrato.

Over the years, the most important families of the area took over the Castle until 1625, when the conti Asinari found themselves sharing the title of Counts of Costigliole (and thus the Castle) with the family of Verasis. This will be very important for the Castle, which is thus divided into two separate parts: two souls therefore come together in the Castle, daughters of the tastes of each family and their common desire to excel and surpass the other in beauty, class and refinement. In short, a place full of stories and legends of the people who lived here, with all their virtues and human weaknesses; one of the most interesting castles in Monferrato to visit.

For infos and openings: https://www.castelliaperti.it/it/strutture/lista/item/castello-di-costigliole-dasti.html o http://www.comune.costigliole.at.it/

Monteu Roero Castle

Let’s move completely; here we are in Monteu Roero, about an hour from Mombaruzzo. The municipality of Monteu was once nicknamed Monte Acuto because of its height: in fact, the village rises to an altitude of just under 400m; We are surrounded by the Rocche del Roero, a 32 km long fracture that stretches from Bra to Cisterna d’Asti and that makes the territory of this area so unique, and from the top of the Castle we see the hills of the Langa rise up towards these wild and labyrinthine peaks.

The foundation of the Castle dates back to 1299 and there are many myths surrounding it, practically one for every inhabitant who has lived within these walls over the centuries. Despite the great earthquakes of the 1500s and 1800s, which damaged some parts, the Castle retains its ancient beauty; it was with this beauty that we fell in love when, in about 2012, we decided to buy it from the individuals who lived there and make it available to the community. Today the visits are managed by the Bel Monteu association, created by the citizens of the village, who are deeply in love with their castle.

For infos and openings: https://belmonteu.it/ o https://www.castellomonteuroero.it/

Our trip to Piedmont's castles has just begun. Many other magnificent manors are just waiting to be discovered: let's grab our backpack, the adventure among the castles in Monferrato begins.